Well, it was a great trip because you ALL made it so. I only helped to bring you guys for a hantu tetek merry go round "crash" course. No one can say that we didn't start with a BANG. I am happy that all of you came back in 1 piece. Nvrmind my car. These things happen. I consider it lucky that it wasn't worse. Don't know if you will believe me, but this is my very first lunga since I started on the road decades ago. But consider this as spice and juicy bits for our story later. (I will provide the pics of the damage).
Orange, sorry confession time. Why we took such a long time was because we made a wrong turning and had to drive up to the dark unknown until we spotted a traffic light. First time in my life, I was damn glad to see a traffic light. hehe.
Thanks to Speed and 7 for their kind treat the morning that I didn't have any ringget with me. See lah, tell you all to change ringget why never listen huh? Cat? Oh, and you guys got to see the IBM waiter in action! Food never tasted this good.
Thanks to Shan22 team. Hubby was a great joker, excellant with kids and made the trip very interesting. Lots of fishing stories of giant leopard sharks and todaks. I like!
Thanks to Vita for introducing us to the "hey, waiter, why got mosquito in my soup" restaurant. hehe, but seriously, the food was good.
Thanks to Alvin81 for suggesting the walkies. From hind sight, if we didn't have it. I think we guys will still be there circling around the expressway. Your sound system looks cool too...too bad, didn't get to hear it.
Nice to see Pika and family. You guys, the car rocks! Very nice kids too...especially the ultraman one. :). When the wonderwoman one coming?
Ok, ok...due to popular demand, we shall have another trip. But this cat need his sleep first....*snooze*.
Btw to all readers. For some reason, all our PICAS were of different color. Very cool. Now, we are looking for the missing colors. White, Silver, yellow. If you have, come join us. We want to complete the picture. :D