Turnout was quite good with almost all of us, except for our Tek, GG and Su and Isham. Su seemed to have some difficulties with transport as Isham was away at Sentosa for an event. Gary was about to pick her, but her son fell sick and couldn't make it.
After our pleasant dinner, we moved on to Little guiLing for a get together place. Andrew and Elyn + P2 joined us later at our cake cutting there. It had been ages that I had been here, and it was nice to visit again. The place was rather dark and we hobbled under a cave like shelter. Water was very calm and looked tempting. Someone on a bicycle was going around fishing.
We were happy to have Shermaine joined us this round, and we officially made her a member there and then. She was quite surprised and took to our group very well. We all teased her about leaping over the water to demostrate some of her kung fu prowess.
We stayed till late and P2 was getting tired. Andrew and Elyn had to leave. The rest were stil full of energy and suggested to go Mac at West Coast. We hung around there for awhile, but XM was getting quite edgy due to her tiredness. After some drinks and kopi, as well as a few rounds of my Dopod golf games, we went home after an ev.
entful evening.