As per tradition, a short writeup on the trip.
Day started later than usual. Being a Sunday, we could afford to take our time to strut slowly across the causeway. At 7.30am, the causeway was fairly jammed at the Singapore side. But after clearing it, it was smooth sailing all the way. Weather this morning was a little under, but it soon cleared up along the way. Actually, it turned out that the whole day was quite cool and pleasant.
We did a "compulsory" breakfast at Danga Bay at Vicky's request. However, there wasn't much to eat and everyone dug in into some pretty standard fare of Nasi Lemak. After filling our stomachs, we headed onwards to our first stop, Desaru Beach.
But one nitty gritty thing to settle first. Some of us had to change money. Luckily enroute, we had to past by Sentosa. There were shops aplenty there, and we came across a shop there opened early for the likes of us.
By then, it was already 9.30am. We had wasted quite a fair bit of the morning. By the time we reached the beach, it was already like 11am. The water there looked cool and inviting. P2 wanted to dive headlong into the sea, and had to be restrained with substantial force from doing so. We spent some time wading along the edge of the beach and generally had fun . Even though it was the late morning, the sky was overcasted and not hot at all.
After washing up and all, it was already 12pm. Naturally, it was food time, and we headed to Sg Renggit for some chow. Like we did the last time, we ate at the Lucky Restoran. But today, not too lucky, as the restoran was quite crowded. I think we waited like half an hour for the food to arrive. By then, anything would taste good. GG joined us here mid way .
By the time we finished, it was already 2.30pm. Goodness, not much time left. We had to cut short all the extraneous activities and just go for the important sights. The Ostrich farm was just a short 5 mins drive away. For RM8, it was a worthwhile experience. Certainly, we came out much wiser to the life cycle of a humble Ostrich.
Next, it was onwards to the fruit farm. (The grand purpose of the trip this time). Doubtless, it was Mangoes session alright. There were racks upon racks of mangoey smelling green thing. We the aunties and uncles were buying it by the kilos. Most definitely, the load on the car was much heavier than when we arrived.
At around 5pm, we started to head back towards Sin. QG had to be back by 7pm for some classes. Unfortunately, traffic was quite heavy today and we were quite delayed. At one point, GG got lost. With the help of my GPS *ahem*, I located him at one corner eating ice cream. Get back here, I commanded. Yes sir, he replied, and soon was galloping in the distance towards us. Pica7 shed a tear at the sight of a long lost brother coming back to the fold. *play sad music here*.
I think we touched down in Sin around 7.10pm. Sorry that QG had to be late for Whatever. The next meet, I will buy him "Anything" for his "Whatever". Thanks to RT&S for helping to lead the flocks. They weren't feeling too well but yet still tried hard to join us. Don't worry about GNH, I would be back next week for servicing. (and more mangoes). How many kilos you want?